Tuesday, 19 February 2013


So I've been promising myself for many years I'd do a Rumtopf. This year, I've finally got my finger out and started one.

What is a Rumtopf though? Well, I believe it's an old method of preserving fruit, but I always knew it as a time consuming way of making a very alcoholic ingredient for Christmas trifle. Time consuming but very worth it.

To begin with, you need a large, airtight jar. Like this:

You will also need some Rum. I've no idea if quality is a factor. Perhaps someone needs to experiment.
A few years ago, I did some work in Turks & Caicos. This is the local brew that caused a few gaps in my memory.

The only thing now you need is fruit & sugar.

The basic rule is; once a month or so mix about 1lb of chopped fruit with half it's weight in sugar.
Add to jar, then top up with Rum until the fruit is just covered.
Seal & store in a safe place until adding more fruit.

One of my inspirations to start came from my lovely wife, who returned from shopping with a pile of reduced fruit. Mostly grapes & some Kiwi Berries.

Here I've sliced about half a pound of each.

This was mixed with half a pound of brown sugar before being covered in Rum.

For the next fruits I'll try to go seasonal.

Can't wait until Christmas :-)

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